No. 93 - Help Wanted -Feet Washer


So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have wash your feet, you ought also to wash one another's feet.  John 13:14

Don't you hate having dirty feet?

Don’t you hate having dirty feet?

Those peds down there walk on this dusty dirty earth all day long and take-on dirt, and minuscule bugs especially in sandled summer. There’s nothing as refreshing as a good pedicure.

I think dirty feet represent dark murky souls that soak in the world with all of its conflicts, cares, and crises, but in this Mark, Jesus just meant dirty feet.

Frankly for me, the uncomfortable part of pedicures is the sense of master and servant relationship that I get while sitting on the throne having my feet scrubbed. I look down at the person and think how glad I am not to have that job while trying to think of something friendly to say.

For Jesus to get out the bucket and wash Peter’s feet was outrageous. How could the son of God, healer and feeder of the multitudes, stoop so low as to become the humblest of servants? Was it as when He was an all powerful Holy Spirit and condescended to enter the infant body with all its limitations to come to earth, the devil’s playground?
In this Mark, Jesus commands us to be like Him: lowly and humble.

We are commanded to do what Jesus does. Whether we be Pope or king, pastor, priest or pauper, we are not better than our Lord and teacher Jesus Christ who literally washed His disciple’s feet. The servant of man is a better Servant of God.

Scrub feet. Feel yourself grow inside.



Get out your bucket of warm soapy water, and brush.

Tap your spouse, sibling or child.

Ask him or her to sit while you crouch down low and start scrubbing.

Feel yourself growing inside.
